
Suspected Alignment / Alignments:  Equinox Sun-set
Site Type: Stone Circle
Irish Grid Ref: W3075036850
Location: Link to Bing Maps

Looking through the portals and over the axial stone


This stone circle is described on as follows;

"On level patch of ground on S-facing slope 1.5km N of Rosscarbery bay. Group of monuments, excavated in 1959 (Fahy 1961, 93-104) also comprises boulder-burial (CO143-032003-) and hut site (CO143-032004-). Excavation revealed that circle consisted of thirteen stones, nine of which survive. Stones are 0.65m to 1.8m L, 0.35m to 0.9m T and 1.35m to 2.85m H. Internal measurement along main axis, aligned E-W is c. 8.5m. Entrance stones are set with long axes end-on to circumference. Shallow pit containing soil, pebbles and small fragments of cremated bone found beneath low mound of soil at centre of circle. Three pieces of flint found on old ground level at circle's entrance. Slab (CO143-032002-) with seven cup-marks on upper surface found beneath low mound, c. 10m to SE. (O Nualláin 1984a, 24, no.36; Roberts 1988, ch. 1, no. 33)"

This circle is near the road but is on private property. There is very little parking in the vicinity and so access can be tricky. It is definitely one of the most impressive stone circles in Ireland with towering portal stones. This is one of 5 stone circles in west cork originally surveyed by Boyle Somerville in the early part of the 1900s and published in 1930. Somerville initially proposed the equinox sun-set alignment of the site. 

Links to photographs;
Picture of the approaching equinox by contributor Ken Williams

Links for further information;
Plan of Bohonagh by Boyle Sommerville