Site Q; Dowth

Suspected Alignment / Alignments:  Winter Solstice Sun-set / Summer Solstice Sun-rise
Site Type: Henge
Irish Grid Ref: O0342174182
Location: Link to Bing Maps

Entrance at the south-west of the Henge

This embanked enclosure / henge is described on as follows;

"Oval area defined by high bank (dims. c. 165m NE-SW, c. 140m NW-SE) with large entrances at NE and SW."

This henge is located about 500m from Dowth passage tomb and within Bru na Boinne. An alignment was originally put forward by Prof. Ronald Hicks in a paper titled Astronomical Traditions
of Ancient lreland and Britain (1985) as having both a summer solstice sunrise and winter solstice sunset alignment. There is some doubt as to whether the north east entrance to the henge is an original entrance and as such if the summer solstice sunrise alignment is intentional. Anthony Murphy of Mythical Ireland photographed the summer solstice sunrise alignment in 2000. 

Links to photographs;
Link to a picture by Anthony Murphy of the summer solstice sun-rise at Site Q 

Links for further information;
Information on Site Q at